Jim Whitt
- Best Described as a Cross Between Dr. Phil and Jeff Foxworthy
- Cowboy and Speaker on Purpose and Motivation, Management Consultant
On the platform Jim Whitt might be best described as a cross between Dr. Phil and Jeff Foxworthy. He makes people think and laugh … all at the same time. Jim's presentations are fun, fast-paced and punctuated with his unique brand of humor that draws on his rural roots and lots of good content. Jim may be
read the restJim may be the only management consultant you’ll meet who has a degree in animal science. That, coupled with a lifetime of working in the cattle industry, has enabled him to develop a unique approach to personal and organizational development that revolves around his basic tenet of human behavior: Without a purpose our only motivation is reward and punishment. After graduating with a degree in animal science, Jim became a top producing salesman and marketing executive with two Fortune 500 companies. In 1988 Jim discovered his purpose in life: “To help people reach their full potential.” That discovery transformed his life and led him to dedicate his life to help transform lives, leaders and organizations through the power of Purpose. Jim is the author of Riding for the Brand: The Power of Purposeful Leadership, The Transformational Power of Purpose: Finding & Fulfilling Your Purpose in Life and Road Signs For Success: 99 Purposeful Principles to Guide You on the Road to Reaching Your Full Potential. Jim writes for Road Signs For Success Weekly. He writes on the topics of motivation, leadership and change. Since Jim used to make his living as a cowboy he says that he discovered he could apply what he learned about punching cows to provoking people! So now Jim is a professional provoker! He provokes people and organizations to reach their full potential.Although Jim has consulted with and spoken to a wide range ofcompanies and associations in a many different industries, he hasn’t completely strayed from his cowboy past. Jim’s column, Whitt & Wisdom, is a regular feature in the CALF NEWS and he is a contributing reporter on the Cattlemen to Cattlemen television program.On the platform Jim might be best described as a cross between Dr. Phil and Jeff Foxworthy. He makes people think and laugh … all at the same time. Jim’s presentations are fun, fast-paced and punctuated with his unique brand of humor that draws on his rural roots.
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Speaker Programs

Dallas Speakers Bureau – Motivational Speaker, Jim Whitt on A Perfect Fit
Dallas Texas Speakers Bureau presenter, Jim Whitt, on A Perfect Fit. As a young actor, Michael Caine was struggling to make a living. One day while in the waiting room of a casting agency, the owner asked him for his coat size and inseam length. Caine told him that he wore a size 40 jacket and his inseam measured 32… ... read more